Modestly Cover Diaper Bank

Diapers, A Social Detriment to Health

Diaper need is a growing problem in our country. A clean diaper means a happy baby, but according to new data from The NDBN Diaper Check 2023: Diaper Insecurity among U.S. Children and Families, 1 in 2 U.S. families cannot afford enough diapers to keep their infant or child clean, dry, and healthy. These babies are more vulnerable to painful rashes and urinary tract infections and have more trips to the doctor. 3 in 5 parents miss work or school because they can’t afford the diapers required to leave their baby in Childcare.

Threads of Compassion: A Poem on Diaper Need

In a world where cries of innocence resound, a tale unfolds in whispers all around. It speaks not of gold, but a need for a story untold. Tiny footsteps soft as a breeze, in the cradle of life, where innocence sees, a challenge unseen, a struggle discreet is where diaper need and hardships meet.

In the hush of night, and light of day, a diaper’s embrace keeps troubles at bay. For infants so small, and seniors grown, incontinence too is a challenge widely known. Oh, the rustle of diapers, a lullaby sweet, As dreams unfold under cotton sheets. But for many, this comfort is a distant shore, A need unmet, a burden to endure. From infants’ giggles to elders’ grace, Filling the gap, in this vital space.

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The Mommie Project

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Books for Babes

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Potty Training Academy

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Isolated and alone: Nonprofits see explosion of need for adult incontinence products

Without the necessary items, older adults can end up embarrassed and worried about how they smell or what might happen if a restroom isn't nearby.

JLMN Secures 15000 Diapers To Reduce Diaper Disparity

Diaper disparity is real. According to The Diaper Dilemma, “One in three U.S. mothers experiences diaper need, which, for kids, can lead to infections, rashes, irritability, and trouble securing childcare.”

Thanks to MCDBEC for giving us diapers for our newborn twins we were able to purchase extra cleaning supplies, it might not seem like much but not having enough laundry detergent became problematic
Samantha K.
Buying diapers is very expensive and cost more when you have to care for asick baby. I would like to thank Modestly Cover for helping me with diapers because I could not have done it alone.
Latifa S.
This is a heaven sent and blessing to Essex County, Thanks for all you do.
Proud Grandma Woods
I really appreciate all the help with diapers that Modestly Cover Diaper Bank has provided to me before I gave birth to my son. Thanks again!
Vuann F.
Thank You MCDBEC for providing my family with diapers. Times can get hard even though I get welfare like food stamps and WIC necessities like diapers are still hard to afford because it is a cash item.
Maria V.
Diapers distributed
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Feminine hygiene
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Modestly Cover Diaper Bank of Essex County

Dear: Janien Reeves

It was very enjoyable to speaking with you regarding me residents and working with you about assisting my residents at the Pavilion Housing Partners L, P at 220 Prospect St East orange N, J 07017. The job you do is outstanding because you really care about helping the seniors. please keep up, the good work and helping not just the seniors but or community with out this program I don’t know what we would do. Your enthusiasm is outstanding, we love you and appreciate you.

Sincerely yours
Tammy Sanders Social Service Coordinator

Modestly Cover Diaper Bank was there for me when I came home from the hospital. I was able to pick them up every month when I came home my family is so grateful for the financial support given to us by them. These small words can’t say enough about how we appreciate them even with my kids father working and buying diapers when he can. Thanks a lot! Chrissy P. Newark, NJ

“Thanks to MCDBEC for giving us diapers for our newborn twins we were able to purchase extra supplies for my new apartment. It might not seem like much but not having the things you need to survive is major. Thanks again and see you next month. Samantha K.

As a single mother I can say that the diapers you provided me were a blessing, thanks for all you did for me and for Essex County Vuann F. Newark

Thanks MCDBEC for providing me with diapers. Times can get hard and though I get welfare, food stamps and WIC necessities like diapers are still hard to afford with limited funds so thanks!! Maria V. - Belleville

Buying diapers is very expensive and when my child is sick it cost more. Its been extremely hard for me to buy diapers and keep up with my other monthly bills getting diapers from you helps a LOT! Thanks I really could not have done it without you!