
Understanding Diaper Need: The typical infant needs more than 2,900 diapers each year. That’s a lot of diapers and a lot of diaper changes! But there are mothers in our community who cannot afford all the diapers their baby needs. That gap between the number of diapers a baby needs and the number of diapers the family can afford is called “Diaper Need”.

Diaper need matters because babies who don’t get their diaper changed frequently enough are at risk for skin rashes, infections, and many other poor health outcomes. A lack of diapers may stop parents from bringing their baby to vital early education programs.

Community Responsibility: MCDBEC has a responsibility to help support anti-poverty agencies within our community in their efforts of wiping out diaper disparity and improving the health and wellbeing among low income families in Essex County.
As we are challenged so, we challenge you!!

Support your Local Diaper Bank!

Community Solution; Through collaboration and open forums that address an effective plan of action we work to reduce Diaper Need and change the course of health and wellbeing among Essex County residents.

Ways to Support MCDBEC

  • Host a Diaper Drive
  • Donate dollars
  • Volunteer at Events
  • Support Expectant Moms