Newborns sleep most of the day and quite peacefully I might add.  When do you sleep?  Sleep is important for both babies but more important for their caregivers.  Here are some tips to remember when putting your baby to sleep.

  • ALWAYS place your baby on their back while sleeping whether it’s at night or at naptime.
  • NEVER place your baby on their stomach on a soft surface like a couch blanket or pillow to sleep.
  • Set up your baby’s bassinet or crib near you for the first six months.
  • Keep pillows, toys and other items out of the baby’s crib.
  • Dress the baby appropriately for the environment to avoid the baby getting too cold or overheating.
  • If you provide a pacifier (binky) make sure that it’s not attached to a string, clothing, or toy

There are so many things to look out for when caring for an infant or toddler- and we all want to keep them close. Lets make sleep for your baby as imporant as it is for you!

Sleep Well!