Just had a Baby

Just had a Baby

Heading home from the hospital with your new baby can be tiresome and everyone might think you want to stay up late and show that beautiful child off to your family and friends.  Think again!   I myself was tired!!!  Yes, between the nurses checking on me because of...
Have a good nap

Have a good nap

I’m late with posting for National Sleep Awareness Week which is March 12-18.  SIDS- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is a term used to describe sudden or unexpected deaths of babies less than 1 year.  These deaths often happen during sleep.  According to The...
Baby Safety

Baby Safety

Your infant is growing fast and before you allow your baby to flow freely in your home let’s get it ready for their adventure.  Here are some tips you can use: Before the birth   If you are new to this, please prepare your home before bringing home your baby...
Sleeping Easy

Sleeping Easy

 Newborns sleep most of the day and quite peacefully I might add.  When do you sleep?  Sleep is important for both babies but more important for their caregivers.  Here are some tips to remember when putting your baby to sleep. ALWAYS place your baby on their back...
diaper need

diaper need

National Diaper Need Awareness Week is scheduled for September 18 – 24, 2023. The week draws attention to the issue of diaper need in the United States. How can we draw attention to diaper need in Essex County?   Proclamations Getting our politicians to recognize that...
Changing matters

Changing matters

How often you change your infant or toddler’s diaper matters because if they are left in a soiled diaper longer than normal they are subject to all types of diseases..  Thank goodness diaper rash can usually be treated with basic at-home solutions including...